Enhance Your Feminine Silhouette with Breast Augmentation

At Baumholtz Plastic Surgery in San Antonio, we recognize the profound impact dissatisfaction with one's breasts can have on self-esteem. Our breast augmentation procedures are meticulously tailored to uplift your physical appearance and self-confidence. Dr. Michael Baumholtz, the renowned plastic surgeon, approaches each augmentation with precision and artistry, ensuring that the results align with your aesthetic goals and contribute to a sense of empowerment and self-assurance.

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What is Breast Augmentation?

Breast augmentation is a cosmetic procedure developed to enhance the size, shape, and overall symmetry of the breasts. This procedure typically involves the placement of breast implants, carefully selected to achieve the desired volume and contour. Whether restoring volume or seeking a fuller bustline, it transforms the silhouette and boosts confidence. At Baumholtz Plastic Surgery, our personalized approach ensures natural-looking results aligned with your aesthetic goals.

Revision Breast Augmentation

At Baumholtz Plastic Surgery, we specialize in revision breast augmentation to address changing preferences and circumstances. Whether you seek to change implant size, address issues like capsular contracture, incorporate a breast lift, or remove implants entirely, Dr. Baumholtz crafts personalized solutions to meet your needs. During a consultation, he will thoroughly assess your concerns, discuss your aesthetic aspirations, and develop a tailored plan to achieve the results you desire. Our commitment is to support you on your journey, providing expertise and compassionate care to ensure your satisfaction with the outcome of your revision breast augmentation.

Breast Augmentation Before & Afters

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The Benefits of Breast Augmentation

Revel in the numerous benefits of breast augmentation at Baumholtz Plastic Surgery:

Enhanced feminine silhouette

Achieve a fuller and more proportionate bustline, enhancing your overall feminine allure.

Boost in self-confidence

Breast augmentation often leads to increased self-esteem and confidence, positively impacting your life.

Tailored aesthetics

We customize each procedure to align with your unique anatomy and aesthetic preferences.

Improved symmetry

Address asymmetry concerns and achieve a more balanced and symmetrical breast appearance.

Clothing versatility

Enjoy a broader range of clothing options and styles that complement your newly enhanced silhouette.

Natural-looking results

Dr. Baumholtz's meticulous approach ensures natural outcomes harmonizing seamlessly with your body.

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Is Breast Augmentation Right for Me?

Breast augmentation is ideal for individuals who wish to enhance the size, shape, or symmetry of their breasts. Suppose you feel dissatisfied with the volume or fullness of your bust, experience asymmetry, or desire a more proportionately curvaceous silhouette. In that case, breast augmentation could be your desired transformative solution. 

If you're bothered by a lack of confidence stemming from aesthetic breast-related concerns, a consultation at Baumholtz Plastic Surgery is the crucial first step. During this session, Dr. Baumholtz will assess your concerns, discuss your aesthetic goals, and curate a personalized plan to address your needs.

The Breast Augmentation Procedure What to Expect

On the day of your breast augmentation surgery, you'll receive anesthesia for a comfortable experience. Dr. Baumholtz employs a meticulous approach, utilizing an inframammary fold (IMF) incision strategically placed near the fold under the breast. This approach is favored for its ability to be reused in subsequent procedures without new scars. The IMF incision is especially advantageous in revision cases, providing flexibility and minimizing visible scarring. Carefully selected implants, tailored to your preferences, are then precisely positioned beneath the breast tissue or chest muscle. With Dr. Baumholtz's skill in sculpting and refining your bust, the procedure typically takes about an hour. The transformative power of breast augmentation lies in the customization of implants and their strategic placement, resulting in a balanced and natural-looking outcome that seamlessly aligns with your body.

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Saline v. Silicone Implants

At Baumholtz Plastic Surgery, we take great pride in educating our patients so they can make informed decisions. Choosing between saline and silicone implants for your breast augmentation is a decision guided by your individual preferences and considerations. Here's a brief overview of the types of implants you can choose from:

  • Saline implants consist of a silicone shell and filled with sterile saltwater. They are often chosen for their adjustability and simplicity. They are filled after placement, allowing for minor size adjustments.
  • Silicone implants are pre-filled with a cohesive gel, resembling the feel of natural breast tissue. Many individuals appreciate the more natural look and feel that silicone implants offer.

At Baumholtz Plastic Surgery, we exclusively trust Allergan implants for silicone options, given Allergan's extensive safety record and dedication to device excellence. Allergan offers three types of silicone implants: SR (responsive), SS (soft touch), SC (cohesive).

After selecting the type of implant (saline vs silicone), the sizing process involves tailoring the implant width to your anatomy and then the projection or height of the implant based on your tissues and desired look. We will discuss the benefits and considerations of each option during your consultation, guiding you toward the choice that aligns best with your aesthetic goals, lifestyle, and desired outcomes.

Breast Augmentation Recovery

Post-Surgery Recovery

After the surgery, you transition to a recovery area for monitoring before discharge—surgical gauze and a compression bandage aid in reducing swelling and promoting healing. While individual recovery experiences may vary, patients typically experience some swelling and discomfort immediately following breast augmentation, with these side effects subsiding over the following days. 

Healing Guidelines 

The initial incisions from the procedure usually take around two weeks to heal. During the first week, you should take time off work to rest, but you can gradually resume daily activities afterward. However, avoiding strenuous or unrestricted physical activities for approximately six weeks is essential to support optimal healing.

Post-Operative Instructions

We will provide detailed post-operative instructions to guide you through a smooth recovery, including incision care, showering guidelines, and measures to minimize swelling and discomfort. Rest and limited physical activity are vital during the initial healing period, allowing your body to adapt to the changes.

Follow-Up Care

You can gradually return to light activities within a week, with more strenuous activities reintroduced over several weeks. Our team will schedule follow-ups to monitor your progress, answer any questions, and ensure you're healing as expected, continuing to guide you toward your newfound confidence.

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Why Choose Baumholtz Plastic Surgery?

Choose Baumholtz Plastic Surgery for your breast augmentation in San Antonio, where artistry, expertise, and a commitment to your well-being unite. Our personalized approach ensures that your breast augmentation experience is not just a physical transformation but a positive journey toward enhanced self-expression. Our practice values your unique beauty and aims to craft results that align seamlessly with your aesthetic vision. To experience a newfound sense of empowerment in your skin, please schedule a consultation with us today.

patient checking in

Breast Augmentation FAQ

What are the different types of implants?

Who determines the size of the implant?

What is the recovery process like?

How long does the procedure take?

Is the procedure painful?

How long will the results last?

What is the risk of complications?

How much does the procedure cost?

What is the downtime associated with the procedure?

Can I still breastfeed after the procedure?

How long before I can return to normal activities?

Are the implants safe?

Can I still have mammograms after the procedure?

Can I choose a specific implant size or shape?

What is the scarring like after the procedure?

Can you replace the implants in the future?

What should I expect during the consultation process?

How long is the recovery process after breast augmentation?

How long will the results last?

Can I breastfeed after the procedure?

Does insurance cover the procedure?

How do I choose a plastic surgeon for my breast augmentation procedure?

What should I look for in consultation with a plastic surgeon for breast augmentation?

How much does breast augmentation cost?

Are there financing options available for breast augmentation?

Can I return to work after the procedure?

How can I prepare for my breast augmentation procedure?

How can I ensure a successful recovery from breast augmentation?

Can I breastfeed after having a breast augmentation procedure?

Can I have another surgery in the future to revise or remove my implants?

What are the different types of implants?

There are two main types of implants: silicone and saline. Both types of implants are safe, reliable devices. Both are two-part devices consisting of an outer shell and fill material. The shell of both is made of silicone. A silicone implant may feel more like your native breast tissue. The trend among patients, especially in Texas, has leaned significantly toward silicone implants.

Who determines the size of the implant?

The implant size is determined based on your goals and physical characteristics, such as breast size and shape, body type, and skin quality. We will consider these factors when recommending implant size.

What is the recovery process like?

The recovery process from a breast augmentation procedure typically lasts a few weeks. You may experience swelling, bruising, and discomfort, but these symptoms should subside within a few days. Most patients can return to light activities within a week or two after the procedure. For under the muscle placement, total, unrestricted activity will be allowed after six weeks. This time minimizes the risks of complications.

How long does the procedure take?

The procedure typically takes between one and two hours to complete.

Is the procedure painful?

The procedure is typically performed under general anesthesia, so you should not experience pain during surgery. Your comfort and safety are primary concerns for us at BPS. During surgery, you will be asleep and comfortable under general anesthesia. After the procedure, you may wake up with tightness and pressure. At your pre-operative visit, you will be given prescriptions for all the medications you will need to be comfortable after your surgery.

How long will the results last?

The results of a breast augmentation procedure are generally long-lasting. However, the lifespan of the implants may vary depending on the type of implant used. Most implants are designed to last 10 to 15 years, but some may last longer or need replacing earlier. At BPS, we will monitor your implants for problems with annual visits.

What is the risk of complications?

Like any surgical procedure, breast augmentation carries some risk of complications. These may include infection, bleeding, scarring, implant rupture or leak, and changes in sensitivity or sensation in the nipples. However, the risk of complications is generally low when a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon performs the procedure.

How much does the procedure cost?

The cost of a breast augmentation procedure can vary depending on several factors, including the type of implant used. Other factors affecting the price include the plastic surgeon’s experience and the practice’s geographic location. On average, the procedure can cost between $5,000 and $10,000.

What is the downtime associated with the procedure?

The downtime associated with a breast augmentation procedure is typically a few days to a week, during which the patient may experience swelling, bruising, and discomfort. Most patients can return to normal activities within a week or two after the procedure.

Can I still breastfeed after the procedure?

Breastfeeding after a breast augmentation procedure is generally possible, but it may depend on the type of implant used and the location of the incision. Discussing your breastfeeding goals with us during the consultation process is essential.

How long before I can return to normal activities?

Most patients can return to normal activities within a week or two after the procedure, although they may need to avoid strenuous exercise for 6 weeks.

Are the implants safe?

Both silicone and saline implants are considered safe when used in the appropriate patients and when a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon performs the procedure. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved both types of implants for use in breast augmentation procedures. However, as with any medical device, there is always a risk of complications and side effects. Discussing these risks with your plastic surgeon during the consultation process is essential.

Can I still have mammograms after the procedure?

Yes, you can still have mammograms after a breast augmentation procedure. However, it is essential to inform the radiologist of your previous breast augmentation so that they can take appropriate measures to ensure an accurate reading.

Can I choose a specific implant size or shape?

Well – sort of. Your anatomy will dictate the width of the implant, and your skin will have some impact on the projection. Still, your goals will help us pick the best implant for you! During the consultation, Dr. Baumholtz will help you choose the best implant size and shape to achieve your desired results.

What is the scarring like after the procedure?

Typically, the scarring resulting from a breast augmentation procedure is minimal and well-hidden as the surgeon usually makes the incision in a discreet location. The appearance of the scars will depend on factors such as the patient’s skin quality and the type of incision used.

Can you replace the implants in the future?

If needed, patients can have their implants replaced in the future. Reasons for replacement may include implant rupture or leak, changes in the size or shape of the breasts, or if the patient wants to switch to a different size or type of implant. Bear in mind – breast implants are NOT lifetime devices.

What should I expect during the consultation process?

You will meet with Dr. Baumholtz during the consultation to discuss your desired outcomes and evaluate your medical history and physical characteristics. Dr. Baumholtz will also examine your breasts and take measurements to determine the best implant size and shape for you. This consultation is also an opportunity for you to ask questions and discuss any concerns about the procedure.

How long is the recovery process after breast augmentation?

The recovery process after a breast augmentation procedure typically lasts several weeks, during which time you may experience some pain, swelling, and tenderness in the breast area. We will provide you with specific post-operative instructions to follow to help ensure a smooth and successful recovery. These instructions may include wearing a surgical bra or bandage, avoiding physical activity or exercise for a specified period, and taking pain medication as needed.

How long will the results last?

The results of a breast augmentation procedure are typically long-lasting, but they may not be permanent. The lifespan of the implants can vary depending on several factors. These include the type of implant used, the patient’s body weight and age, and lifestyle habits. Some patients may choose to replace their implants after several years, while others may never need to have them replaced.

Can I breastfeed after the procedure?

The ability to breastfeed after a breast augmentation procedure can depend on several factors, such as the type of incision used, the size and placement of the implants, and the patient’s anatomy. Discussing your breastfeeding goals and concerns with your plastic surgeon is essential. This information will help us provide an informed answer regarding your situation during the consultation process.

Does insurance cover the procedure?

Baumholtz Plastic Surgery does not participate with insurance. In the context of breast augmentation for cosmetic reasons, it is important to note that such procedures are generally not covered by insurance. Insurance coverage is typically available for patients with specific needs related to cancer reconstruction or birth differences. If you are exploring the possibility of insurance coverage for your procedure, we recommend reaching out to your insurance provider for a list of doctors within your network.

How do I choose a plastic surgeon for my breast augmentation procedure?

When choosing a plastic surgeon for your breast augmentation procedure, it is crucial to look for a qualified and experienced practitioner with a track record of producing safe and beautiful results. You can start by researching board-certified plastic surgeons in your area and reading reviews from past patients. You should also schedule a consultation to discuss your goals and ensure you feel comfortable with their expertise and communication style.

What should I look for in consultation with a plastic surgeon for breast augmentation?

During a consultation with a plastic surgeon for breast augmentation, you should look for a practitioner who takes the time to listen to your goals and concerns. They should provide thorough and accurate information about the procedure and what to expect. It would be best to look for a surgeon who understands your anatomy and physical characteristics and can recommend the best implant size and type to achieve your desired results. Additionally, it would help if you looked for a surgeon with a suitable bedside manner who is responsive to your questions and concerns and makes you feel confident and comfortable in your care.

How much does breast augmentation cost?

The cost of a breast augmentation procedure can vary depending on several factors, such as the type of implant used, the plastic surgeon’s experience, and the surgery center’s geographic location. The procedure cost can range from $5,000 to $10,000 or more, not including additional expenses such as anesthesia, facility fees, and post-operative care. It is important to discuss the cost of the procedure with your plastic surgeon during the consultation process. You should find a practitioner who can provide quality results at a price that fits your budget.

Are there financing options available for breast augmentation?

Many plastic surgeons offer financing options for patients who are interested in having a breast augmentation procedure but may not have the funds to pay for it upfront. These options can include loans with low-interest rates, flexible payment plans, and other arrangements to help make the procedure more affordable. You can discuss financing options with your plastic surgeon or their staff during the consultation process or contact a financing company directly to see if you qualify for a loan.

Can I return to work after the procedure?

The amount of time you will need to take off work after a breast augmentation procedure can vary depending on your situation and the type of work you do. Patients can usually return to desk-based work within a week or two of the procedure. More physically demanding jobs may require a more extended period of recovery. We will provide specific post-operative instructions, including when it is safe to return to work and other activities.

How can I prepare for my breast augmentation procedure?

To prepare for your breast augmentation, focus on maintaining good health by avoiding smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and activities that may compromise your well-being. Plan ahead by organizing transportation, post-operative care, and stocking up on necessary supplies and medications. Setting realistic expectations is crucial, so discuss your goals with your plastic surgeon and diligently follow their post-operative instructions for the best possible results. Additionally, thoroughly research the breast augmentation procedure, including understanding the risks, benefits, and recovery expectations.

How can I ensure a successful recovery from breast augmentation?

Ensuring a successful recovery from breast augmentation involves several key steps. First and foremost, meticulously follow all post-operative instructions we provide. Attend all scheduled follow-up appointments and check-ins to monitor your progress. Refrain from strenuous activity and heavy lifting as recommended by your surgeon. Wear a supportive bra or surgical garment as directed. Keep your incisions clean, dry, and protected from water or substances that could cause infection. Take any prescribed medications as directed to manage pain and promote healing. Lastly, avoid smoking or using nicotine products, as they can slow recovery and increase the risk of complications.

Can I breastfeed after having a breast augmentation procedure?

Some women may still be able to breastfeed after having a breast augmentation procedure. However, this can depend on the type of implant used, the location of the incisions, and the individual’s anatomy. Discussing your concerns and goals regarding breastfeeding with us before the procedure is essential so we can provide you with specific guidance and advice. In some cases, a different type of implant or incision placement may be recommended to help preserve the ability to breastfeed.

Can I have another surgery in the future to revise or remove my implants?

Depending on various factors, such as the type of implant used and the individual’s anatomy, it may be necessary to have another surgery to revise or remove the implants. The need for another surgery could be due to changes in the implant’s shape or size, issues with the implant’s position, or other factors that impact the look and feel of the breasts. Before the procedure, we will discuss potential risks and guide you on caring for your implants.

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