Rediscover Your Pre-Pregnancy Confidence

Pregnancy is a transformative journey that brings immense joy but can also leave lasting changes on your body. At Baumholtz Plastic Surgery in San Antonio, we understand the profound impact these physical changes can have on self-esteem. We craft The Mommy Makeover to help you rediscover your pre-pregnancy confidence, offering a personalized approach to address the unique effects of childbirth on your body.

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Is a Mommy Makeover Right for Me?

Ideal for women who have experienced the physical changes associated with pregnancy and childbirth, a Mommy Makeover at Baumholtz Plastic Surgery is designed for those seeking comprehensive rejuvenation. If you've noticed changes in your body like a loss of breast volume, sagging breasts, abdominal muscle separation, excess abdominal skin, or stubborn pockets of fat, a Mommy Makeover could be the solution. This transformative procedure suits those looking to address multiple concerns in one surgical plan, providing a holistic approach to regain confidence and achieve a revitalized appearance. However, the best course of action is determined through a personalized consultation with Dr. Baumholtz, where your needs and goals can be discussed for a tailored plan.

Mommy Makeover Before & Afters

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What is a Mommy Makeover?

A Mommy Makeover is a comprehensive and personalized cosmetic procedure designed to address the physical changes that often occur after pregnancy and breastfeeding. We combine various surgical techniques, such as breast lift or augmentation, tummy tuck, and liposuction, to target specific areas impacted by childbirth. This transformative approach aims to restore body contours, tighten loose skin, and enhance aesthetic harmony. Tailored to your needs, the Mommy Makeover is a holistic solution, empowering women to reclaim their pre-pregnancy body and confidence in one transformative experience.

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The Benefits of a Mommy Makeover

  • Restored breast volume and shape: Rejuvenate your bust with a Mommy Makeover, addressing changes in breast volume and shape caused by pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • Tightened abdominal muscles for core strength: Enhance your core strength and stability by tightening abdominal muscles, helping you regain a toned and resilient midsection.
  • Reduced recovery time through combined procedures: Experience a streamlined recovery process as multiple procedures are strategically combined, allowing you to enjoy the full benefits of a Mommy Makeover with minimized downtime.
  • Enhanced body contours with liposuction: Refine your body contours by targeting stubborn areas of fat through liposuction, sculpting a more balanced and harmonious figure.
  • Personalized approach to individual concerns: Benefit from a customized surgical plan tailored to your needs, addressing specific areas of concern and ensuring a customized transformation.
  • Elimination of excess abdominal skin: Achieve a smoother and firmer abdominal contour as excess skin is expertly removed during the Mommy Makeover procedure.

The Mommy Makeover Procedure: What to Expect  

During a Mommy Makeover in San Antonio at Baumholtz Plastic Surgery, the procedure typically involves combining surgical techniques to address various areas affected by pregnancy and childbirth. The surgery, administered under general anesthesia for your comfort, often begins with breast enhancement procedures, such as breast augmentation or breast lift, to restore volume and reshape the breasts. Subsequently, attention is directed to the abdominal region, where a tummy tuck may be performed to tighten abdominal muscles and eliminate excess skin. Liposuction may also be employed to sculpt and contour areas with stubborn fat deposits, enhancing overall body contours. The procedure duration varies based on the specific combination of surgeries, ranging from a few hours to a full day. We ensure a meticulous and personalized approach, minimizing discomfort and optimizing your results.

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Mommy Makeover Procedures

Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is a key element of Mommy Makeovers, designed to restore breast size and shape post-pregnancy. This relatively brief surgical procedure utilizes implants or fat transfer to enhance the overall appearance. The choice of implant types, including saline, silicone, or gummy bear implants, allows for customization based on individual preferences and goals. Dr. Baumholtz's expertise ensures optimal results, whether you seek a subtle enhancement or a more pronounced transformation.

Breast Lift

For women experiencing a loss of breast volume and changes in nipple position following pregnancy or weight loss, a breast lift can be transformative. This procedure involves the removal of excess skin, tightening surrounding tissues, and reshaping the breasts to achieve an uplifted contour. When combined with other procedures like breast augmentation, the results can be a fuller and perkier bustline, contributing to a rejuvenated overall appearance.


Liposuction is crucial in Mommy Makeovers, targeting stubborn fat deposits resistant to traditional weight loss efforts. Commonly applied to areas like the abdomen, hips, thighs, and arms, liposuction helps sculpt and refine body contours. Dr. Baumholtz employs advanced techniques and emphasizes the importance of postoperative compression garments to facilitate optimal healing, reduce swelling, and enhance overall results.

Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck)

The tummy tuck procedure, or abdominoplasty, is a cornerstone of Mommy Makeovers, offering dramatic results in restoring a pre-pregnancy body. This multi-step process involves anesthesia for comfort, an incision strategically placed for minimal visibility, repair of separated abdominal muscles, removal of excess skin, and repositioning of the belly button for a natural appearance.

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Mommy Makeover Recovery

While individual experiences may vary, in the first week following your Mommy Makeover at Baumholtz Plastic Surgery, you can generally expect some swelling, bruising, and discomfort, which can be managed with prescribed pain medication. Our team always prioritizes your comfort, providing detailed post-op care guidelines to support optimal healing. We advise you to take it easy in the first few days, gradually easing back into light activities and work within two weeks.

Strenuous exercise and heavy lifting should be avoided until around the twelfth week of recovery or so. As you progress through the recovery phase, the results will become more apparent, unveiling your transformed appearance. Follow-up appointments with Dr. Baumholtz will be scheduled to monitor your progress and address any questions or concerns, ensuring a comprehensive and supportive post-operative experience.

Why Choose Baumholtz Plastic Surgery?

Choose Baumholtz Plastic Surgery for your Mommy Makeover in San Antonio and experience the expertise of Dr. Baumholtz, a board-certified plastic surgeon dedicated to enhancing your confidence and restoring your pre-pregnancy vitality. Our practice prioritizes individualized care, ensuring a tailored approach to address your unique concerns. Rediscover your pre-pregnancy confidence with a Mommy Makeover at Baumholtz Plastic Surgery, where excellence meets personalized transformation. Schedule a consultation today and take the first step towards reclaiming your body and rejuvenating your self-esteem.

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Mommy Makeover FAQ

How Can I Prepare for my Mommy Makeover Consultation?

How Much Is a Mommy Makeover in San Antonio, Texas?

What Must Your BMI Be to Get a Mommy Makeover?

How Challenging is Mommy Makeover Recovery?

What Does a Mommy Makeover Typically Include?

How Can I Prepare for my Mommy Makeover Consultation?

For a successful mommy makeover consultation with Dr. Baumholtz, wear comfortable clothes for easy examination, and share your medical history, including past surgeries, medications, allergies, and chronic conditions. Bring photos that illustrate your desired results and a list of questions about recovery, risks, and procedure details. Ask about Dr. Baumholtz's experience with mommy makeovers and how your age, health, and lifestyle might affect your candidacy. Being well-prepared will smooth the consultation and help you work towards your goals.

How Much Is a Mommy Makeover in San Antonio, Texas?

In San Antonio, Texas, a mommy makeover costs between $10,000 and $20,000, varying with the chosen procedures like breast augmentation or lift, liposuction, and abdominoplasty. Additional fees may apply for anesthesia, but Baumholtz Plastic Surgery includes all post-op costs in the final price.

What Must Your BMI Be to Get a Mommy Makeover?

A suitable candidate for a mommy makeover should have a body mass index (BMI) below 30. A lower BMI reduces surgical risks and improves overall results. Consult with Dr. Baumholtz for personalized recommendations based on your health history.

How Challenging is Mommy Makeover Recovery?

Mommy makeover recovery typically lasts four to six weeks for internal healing, with most patients resuming normal activities by 12 weeks. Expect swelling, bruising, and discomfort, manageable with prescribed pain medications. Following all postoperative instructions is crucial for optimal healing.

What Does a Mommy Makeover Typically Include?

A typical mommy makeover with Dr. Baumholtz includes breast augmentation or lift, liposuction, and abdominoplasty to address changes from pregnancy or weight shifts. Procedures may be done in one session or phased as needed.

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